Just a reminder of the "Goodbye Winter, hello Spring Contest!"i
For this contest, you have to create a piece of writing describing the transition from winter to spring! You have free region to use whatever you want in order to create your writing. it can be a topic for the picture below or even a beautiful sentence, or else a poetry of your own! It can also be a story or even memories or whatever it is you like related to the subject. Just remember that the goal is to be as creative as possible!i
You can use the secret idea section for sending your writings. The deadline is April 20th. The results will be announced in the blog together with the best writings!i
:: بازدید از این مطلب : 1051
سلام من اهل تبریرم راجع به استاد شما(آقای ناقلی) خیلی تعریف شنیدم مخصوصانحوه انگلیسی حرف زدنش مایلم اگه امکانش هست کمی درموردزندگیشون بدونم لطفا یه پست اختصاص بدین به این مطلب ممنون میشم